Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sports and exercise

Plenty of opportunities on this front. Both schools have a weekly staff volleyball game which they take pretty seriously, they even have one teacher act as referee. Actually there is a tournament amongst the local school, which the boys highschool team won last year. They are indeed quite a bit better than the team of teachers at the girl's highschool. On the latter I am probably on of the top 3 players, but there are a handful of experts at the boy's school. Anyway it is fun to play even though I prefer sand to indoor court.

Also, there are several tennis players that I can hit around with. I don't know if it will be too cold in the winter, but for now it is fun to try to adjust my play to the clay courts they have here. I try to slide but my feet just stick, maybe I need flatter soled shoes. If it is impossible to play tennis in the winter I can always take up the slack with badminton. It is very popular here; I have played once so far. It is a lot of fun to lay-out for a drop shot on the smooth hardwood floors.

Speaking of laying out, it looks like I will even get a chance to play some ultimate frisbee. There is a small sized, but fairly well organized community in the country that seems to include a lot of Americans. Unfortunately it doesn't look like I will get a chance for any kind of regular pick-up game; I would have to live in a big city for that. But in a couple weekends there is a tournament in a city about 3 hrs away which I think I will be able to join up with: hooray!

Around town there is also a very nice path along the river where I can go running, or I can just set off through the rice fields and keep my self amused with some strange looks from the farmers. Also, as I've mentioned there are some excellent places to take bike rides in all directions from town. Last weekend I went to the Southern tip, to Namhae bridge, and back, a nice ride of about 50km with a lot of elevation change. you can see some pics on the flickr.

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