Wednesday, May 6, 2009

2 quick pregnancy stories

I posted some new pics on flickr. Activities within the last month include: trip to cherry blossom scenic road, student sports day at highschool, Buddha's birthday a national holiday - green tea festival, trip to Tongyeong: a coastal town a couple hours away where a frisbee friend lives, a little hiking and met some more interesting young teachers. To flesch out the post here are a pair of stories involving pregnancy.

I was talking shop with a teacher about school discipline. At some point I asked if any of her students had been expelled, and she said just once. So I had to try to guess what he did. "Fight with a knife?" "No, much worse." Eventually I gave up. Turned out a senior in highschool had gotten pregnant. The interesting thing was that the boy was a year younger. In many states she would be technically a rapist, but over here he was expelled, while she had to stay in school.

Here's the second. One day at lunch one of the female teachers went up for seconds. Unprompted, she explained to me that she was pregnant. She wasn't showing at all so I asked, "Really?" and it was confirmed. Later she missed a few days of school, and again two weeks later. Cut to yesterday when I brought in some homebrewed beer to share at the post-volleyball game party. She asks for a taste, but I say no, you have a baby. She says, "no baby" with a smile. Now I'm confused, was it a joke from the beginning? did something happen, if so why does she seem so happy? Her English is quite poor, and I was too shy to ask.

1 comment:

barefootbrit said...

Nice pix.....weird stories....